Sunday 4 March 2012

Meal Planning: Week One

Dear Husband and I have decided to start menu planning to help things run more smoothly. Breakfasts we generally eat the same things each day (him - muesli or eggs, me - toast or museli). Lunch we cobble together, except on my work days when I make ham and cheese sandwiches, carrot sticks and a muesli bar. Yes, I eat like a five year old. Chubs has her own meals, which only leaves us with dinner to plan. So, here goes!

Monday: Chicken curry (slow cooker) - me
Tuesday: Stir fry - him
Wednesday: Bolognese (from the freezer) - me
Thursday: Steak and veggies - him
Friday: Bolognese (from the freezer) - me
Saturday: BBQ chicken and veggies - chook from shop
Sunday: Scavenge for leftovers

Linked to Menu Plan Mondays

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