Yesterday Chubs and I had an almost perfect day. She had a great night's sleep and then woke up early. I was a bit worried about how I would get a shower, as Dear Husband is away with work and now that's she's mobile it's a bit harder. Thankfully she went down for a nap without any worries and I transferred her to her cot so I could shower without worry - yay!
It was a sunny day yesterday - the first in weeks. I popped her in the stroller and we walked down to the nearby church hall to vote in the state election. I take my opportunity to vote as a huge responsibility. Many have fought hard and died - are still dying - for their right to vote. Even in Australia, it has only been 110 years since non indigenous women have been allowed to vote (1902 for federal elections, 1905 in my state). Shamefully, the voting rights of indigneous men and women were not acknowledged until sixty years later. Despite all the failings of our political systems, all the petty games, lip service and rhetoric, the right and responsibility to vote should never be belittled, taken for granted or wasted.
We went in to vote (Dear Husband did a pre poll vote earlier in the week since he's interstate) and I wanted to get a photo of Chubs' first election, but sadly she was not obliging :( We visited the democratic sausage sizzle and cake stall and then went to the park.
Chubs had a play in the dirt, chewed some sand, had a swing and generally got a lot of her energy out. We both missed going to the park while it was raining. We came home and both had a nap without argument - yay!
We had been invited to a BBQ with friends and we were bringing sausages and breadrolls, so we were on our way to buy them when we ran into my mum, so we had impromptu coffee and cuddles too :)
Off to the BBQ which was great. A bunch of friends and their partners, heaps of young kids, good food and great company makes for a great afternoon and evening. Election night news coverage always appeals to me too - even if the results were unprecidented. Chubs had dinner and a bath there and fell asleep in the car on the way home - perfect.
Another great thing is that Chubs has been going through a stage where she bites while breastfeeding. I've been trying just about everything with no luck - but she hasn't bitten me once in two days. I hope that this is the end of it at last!
It's only almost perfect because Dear Husband missed it, but he will be home soon - this was only a very short trip away.
A lovely Saturday - what did you do on the weekend?
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