Monday 16 April 2012

Monday madness

I'm preparing for a crazy week here, on the back of another crazy week. We have a lot of family visiting for various reasons, so let's see if I can come up for air!

Menu plan (week beginning Monday 2 April)
Monday: Beef stir fry Monday fell apart in a pretty spectacular way, so it was freezer Bolognese.
Tuesday: Slow cooker chicken curry. I plan to make a double batch and freeze one. Tuesday was worse than Monday, so this just didn't happen. We had freezer Bolognese again.
Wednesday: Microwave rissoto. I've found a recipe which claims it's 'impossible to mess up'. Let me at it and we'll see :) I didn't try it. I put on the double batch of chicken curry instead. We got dinner for Wednesday night, one full dinner with rice for the two of us in the freezer, another single serve in the freezer and some extra rice in the freezer.
Thursday: A slow cooker something. I want to try some new slow cooker recipes, so I will see what I can find.

Friday: Chicken stir fry Saturday: Oh my gosh, we've made it to Saturday without having any bolognese! Better have some here. At the last minute we were offered an opportunity to have two nights at the beach, which was way too good an offer to pass up. We packed up quickly, bundled Chubs and all her paraphenalia into the car and headed off. It was glorious.
Sunday: Scavenge Chubs and I were both sick, so on the way home from the beach we went to the medical centre then home via the takewaway shop.

I didn't post a menu plan for the week beginning April 9th. I did bake a cake though - for non domestic me, I think that's pretty impressive! As I said we had lots of family staying, celebration dinners, meals out and the like. Here's the plan for this week:

Monday: steak and veggies
Tuesday: Bolognese
Wednesday: out
Thursday: slow cooker chicken curry
Friday: chicken stir fry
Saturday: hot chook from shop
Sunday: beef stir fry

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