Sunday 20 January 2013

We're getting there!

Good news for today. Firstly I found my camera, and secondly we made some real progress today. Still lots of little things to do but we are closer to the finish than the beginning!

Here's the photos that I wanted to post yesterday of the cabinets screwed to the walls. We also got one of the bench tops on after I took this photo.

After a slow start today and many delays, we actually got somewhere this afternoon! All of the cabinets are in, the bench tops are on, the sink is in (but not connected) and most of the doors are on.

Still to do:
- The plumber is coming tomorrow to connect the dishwasher (woo hoo! DISHWASHER!), the taps and the waste pipe for the sink. All the hard stuff has been done (drilling into floors/ walls/ cupboards, copper and PVC pipes etc) so it should be fairly easy. We've had some problems with the water in the bathroom since the plumber was here on Saturday so we need him to check that too.
- The corner cupboard needs its shelf cut (since it has a pipe runing through it) and the under sink shelf needs cutting too.
- The corner cupboard needs the doors fitted
- All the doors need handles fitted
- The foam door stops and the screw caps need to be fitted
- The kiddy safety latches need to be fitted
- The holes in the wall need to be filled
- The tiles for the splashback need to be fitted
- The fridge and freezer need to be moved into place
- We aren't going to repaint the whole kitchen at this stage, but we need to do patch painting where required.
- The electricians damaged the bathroom wall when jackhammering the kitchen; this needs to be repaired.

Of course, all the kitchen things also need to be washed and replaced in the cupboards!

We are getting the floors replaced in the next few weeks. After that happens the pantry needs to be attached to the wall and the kickboards need to be installed.

It is really starting to look like a kitchen, rather than a building site!

My pantry!
It's not from the same company as the rest of the kitchen,
but I think it's a pretty good match as long as you don't look too closely.
Inside the pantry
I can't wait to start stacking in here
It's really looking like a kitchen now.
That's the back of the pantry on the left.
From the other angle, with doors open


  1. Replies
    1. It's really starting to look like a kitchen now!

  2. wow that's looking great

    how did the dishwasher run go?

    1. Dishwasher is fantastic. It's very quiet. I put it on again last night before we went to bed and I couldn't hear it at all (with all the doors open.) Everything got so dusty from all the work so it all needs to be washed before I can put it away. Thank goodness for the DISHWASHER!


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