Wednesday 18 January 2012

Baden- Powell would be proud of me...

As a true blue Girl Guide, I'm a big fan of Being Prepared. I'm the one who packs the spare sunscreen, the snow shoes and the parachute just in case. I've said before that I'm a big planner, and there's a few reasons.

Firstly, being prepared allows us to be spontaneous. If we go to someone's house for lunch, we have a great time and then they invite us to stay for dinner, then we can say yes. I've got a spare blanket and more nappies in the car, so we don't have to rush home.

Secondly, it means that we don't inconvenience others as much. Travelling with people with a baby who have to stop at a shop to buy some more wipes, or who need to visit three chemists to find the one which stocks the right sized nappies affects everyone in the group, and I don't want that person to be me.

Thirdly, it's generally cheaper to take what you need than to buy a top up at a corner store. Also, sometimes what you need just isn't available. I'm used to travelling in remote areas and you take what you need, and then spares, becuase you can't be sure that someone else will have it for you.

Fourthly, it's also about being self reliant. Not having to sponge off others all the time, or expect others to do for you what you can easily do for yourself, is a good thing.

However, it's also important that you strike a balance. There's no point carting around a huge bag of stuff you are unlikely to need, especially if space is an issue.

For Chubs we have a spare bag in the car, some things in the stroller, her normal nappy bag and her daycare bag.

Nappy bag
Change mat, three disposable nappies, two cloth nappies, half a pack of wipes, small bottle of powder, onesie, long sleeved romper, jumper, sun hat, spit bib, wet bag, plastic bags. If we're out at a meal time, then food, spoon and food bib as well.

Car bag
(This bag isn't often used, just as a spare)
Three disposable nappies, half a pack of wipes, onesie, singlet, long sleeved romper, soces, bunny rug, warm blanket.

(Another spare in case the nappy bag all gets used up/ forgotten/ abducted by aliens)
Change mat, two nappies, mini wipes pack, spare $20, pegs for attaching the bunny rug to the stroller, pen
In stroller basket - bunny rug, assorted toys and books, my sun hat, rain cover.

ETA: this is what we do for Chubs' daycare bag
Are you a super prepared person, or a fly- by- the- seat- of- your- pants person?

Being organised and prepared works for me!


  1. Definitely not a prepared person...and we have our first baby on the way....I am going to bookmark this article so that I can at least be slightly more prepared than normal once she gets here. :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. You'll probably find your own groove when your baby arrives too. Don't forget that baby's (and your) needs change over time too. Good luck with your precious bundle.


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