Sunday 26 May 2013

New handbag - again

Well, I caved. The smaller handbag I was going to try? Nope, I couldn't do it. Feel free to tell me "I told you so".
Der Husband and Chubs bought me this one for Mothers' Day. It's actually quite big, the photo makes it look shorter than it is.
So, why the switch back? Well, two main reasons. Now that Chubs has pretty much toilet trained, we don't always need the nappy bag - sometimes one nappy, a pack of wipes, a change of undies and a snack in my handbag is enough for a short trip. Also, since I have a tablet now, I'm often carrying it around too.
This one has both short handles and a long strap. Long strap is essential - means I can put it over my shoulder when carrying Chubs (plus nappy bag plus play group snacks plus picnic rug plus potty et al) out of the car when we aren't taking the stroller.
So yes, in short, I couldn't do it. I do still love my little bag though and will keep it for kid free outings :)

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