Monday 28 January 2013

Rain rain rain

It's raining here is Brisbane and much of Queensland. Ex tropical cyclone Oswald is certainly bringing some wild weather!

There is a lot of flooding north of us, and the peak of the flood in Brisbane is expected to hit tomorrow night, with a second peak the night after.

We are all right, especially compared to others. We've had a tree down on the footpath which thankfully missed the car. A lot of out gear which was is the car port due to the renovations is wet/ ruined but nothing that can't be replaced. The laundry has flooded yet again (which happens whenever we get heavy rain) but this time there were building supplies in there which are now very soggy.

There are many trees down and lots of road closures, and last estimate I heard there were thousands of home without power. There has been one confirmed death and a few people are still missing.

Today is a public holiday, which thankfully means that students are due to start school for the year tomorrow, not today as it would have otherwise been. A decision regarding school closures is due this afternoon apparently.

Please stay safe everyone.


  1. We've lost a lot of building supplies downstairs too due to flooding. Guess we'll have to rebuy things :(.


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